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The Silence of the Lambs

The Silence of the Lambs

Thomas Harris

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Regular price $17.00
Regular price Sale price $17.00
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Young FBI agent Clarice Starling is tasked by Jack Crawford, head of the psychology department, to interview the imprisoned Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist who has become a cannibal, about a serial killer known as Buffalo Bill. Starling tries to gain Lecter's trust to get information about his methods and motives, as he may be able to help her in her search for Buffalo Bill. A strange relationship develops between Clarice and Hannibal, with him sharing his thoughts and knowledge about psychopathy and her telling him about her childhood traumas.
The investigation becomes increasingly tense as Buffalo Bill continues to kill, and Clarice has less and less time to save his latest victim.

«The Silence of the Lambs» is a gripping and terrifying book that makes you think about the nature of evil. The author masterfully weaves the story, keeping the reader in suspense until the very end.

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Product details

Paper type:
  • Mat
Cover type:
  • Hard
Print length:
    135.0 x 205.0 mm