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The Emotional Rollercoaster of War

The Emotional Rollercoaster of War

Volodymyr Stanchyshyn

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Regular price $15.00
Regular price Sale price $15.00
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Daily events unfold in Ukraine that should not exist in a civilized society. Therefore, emotions such as fear, anxiety, sadness, and anger manifest so brightly that people cannot even imagine how to cope with all these feelings.
This book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand the impact of war on civilians. Psychotherapist Volodymyr Stanchyshyn shares his observations and experience working with people who have experienced the war in Ukraine. The author offers a number of practical tips, such as journaling, relaxation techniques, and seeking support from others. The book makes it clear that it is normal to feel anger, rage, hatred, guilt, and other strong emotions in response to traumatic events.
War is something from which we cannot abstract ourselves, and in order to survive and defeat the enemy, we need to learn to cope on a personal level as well. Therefore, Volodymyr Stanchyshyn's book is so necessary and relevant for everyone interested in the psychology of trauma.

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Product details

Paper type:
  • Mat
Cover type:
  • Soft
Print length:
    130.0 x 200.0 mm