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A Little History of Science

A Little History of Science

William Bynum

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Forget the dusty labs and sterile microscopes – science is a vibrant adventure rooted in the very core of our curiosity. Long before those iconic tools emerged, humankind was already dissecting the universe's secrets, driven by an insatiable desire to understand.
Imagine, the first "scientists" were not lab-coated researchers, but robed priests, gazing at the cosmos and whispering theories about its workings. Alchemists, with their bubbling concoctions, stumbled upon groundbreaking discoveries like distillation, paving the way for our beloved spirits. Even the iconic Periodic Table, crafted by Mendeleev, wasn't just a map of known elements; it held prophesies of elements yet to be unearthed. And who could forget Einstein, the patent clerk who moonlighted as a physics revolutionary, his passion netting him a Nobel Prize in his spare time?

These are just a few of the captivating stories Professor William Bynum unravels in «A Little History of Science». With its easy-flowing style and eye-catching illustrations, this book isn't just for academics – it's a treasure trove for curious minds of all ages.
Prepare to be swept away on a journey that will ignite your inner scientist. You'll learn that science isn't just about cryptic formulas; it's a dynamic, human story packed with unexpected twists and turns. «A Little History of Science» isn't just a book – it's an invitation to see the world through new eyes, one where every sunrise and crackling fire holds a hidden marvel waiting to be explored.
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Product details

Category: Ancient history
Language: Ukrainian
Publisher: Nash Format
Paper type: Mat
Cover type: Soft
Age: 12+
Print length: 284
ISBN: 978-617-7973-83-5
Dimension: 140.0 x 210.0 mm