The novel tells the story of a young, innocent aristocratic woman, Eugénie, who is thrust into a world of luxury, sin, and sexual pleasure. Her "teachers" become experienced debauchers who open up new facets of life for her. The action of the work takes place in the boudoir of Madame de Saint-Ange, where a frank, unrestrained orgy is generously seasoned with philosophical reflections and comments in the style that made de Sade famous. The book is not just an erotic novel but also a deep philosophical treatise that explores the nature of human passion, freedom, and desire. The publication contains deep reflections on the nature of man, free will, and social norms. The author uses vivid, imaginative language that shocks and captivates at the same time. With the passion of a revolutionary, the Marquis de Sade presents in this main book of libertarianism his vision of a new world where unlimited sexual freedom reigns.
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