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Lesya. A Vagabond Ball

Lesya. A Vagabond Ball

Natalka Maletych

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Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
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Lesya Ukrainka is more than just monuments, street names, banknotes, and school classrooms. She was a living person with her own joys, sorrows, preferences, and friends.
What was Lesya like in everyday life? What funny nicknames did she give her siblings? Why did she study at home instead of school? What kind of dresses did she like? Why didn't she like public appearances? Where did she travel?
By discovering Lesya not as an official portrait, but as a personality, we find much in common with this talented and extraordinary woman who called herself "a vagabond ball" (boule vagabonde).

This story brings Lesya Ukrainka closer to the reader, shows that she was not only a poetess, but also an ordinary person with her own emotions and aspirations, allows a better understanding of her work, inspires to be yourself and not be afraid to follow your dreams.

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Product details

Illustrated by:
    Masha Foya
Paper type:
  • Mat
Cover type:
  • Hard
Print length:
    160.0 x 230.0 mm