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God Emperor of Dune

God Emperor of Dune

Frank Herbert

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Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
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Thousands of years have passed since the events of the previous books. Leto II Atreides, transformed into a hybrid of man and sandworm, rules the universe, executing his plan designed to lead humanity through millennia of domination and suffering to an evolutionary leap — the Golden Path. The God-Emperor turns Arrakis into a blooming garden, but at the same time creates conditions that suppress human freedom and initiative. Only one thing remains unchanged — Duncan Idaho, a ghola, is always by the God-Emperor's side as an eternal servant of House Atreides. Not everyone agrees with Leto II's rule. Various centers of resistance emerge in the universe, seeking to overthrow the God-Emperor and change his policies. The immense forces accumulated during Leto's long Peace are preparing to challenge the Lord, and even his closest circle harbors the most ardent enemies. Duncan will have to decide whose side he is on, and the fate of the entire Empire will depend on his choice.
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Product details

Paper type:
  • Mat
Cover type:
  • Hard
Print length:
    150.0 x 220.0 mm